Prayer to Jesus’ Mother

Dear Mary, Mother of the Holy Infant, to you I plead to speak for me to Your Loving Child Whom we honor under the title of “Infant Jesus of Good Health”.

As you became His Mother in Bethlehem, you became also my Mother at the foot of the Cross of Calvary. As your heart grieved to see Him writing in the Agony of the Cross, so also look with pity upon me now when the cross of suffering seems to be more than I can bear.

Regard not my sins, for I am resolved to grow like you in loving Jesus and keeping His every word and Commandment. Dear Mother of mine, do show your tender Mercy for a repentant sinner who awaits only a favorable word of Motherly Benediction.

With confidence I leave all in your hands, dear Mary, knowing that you will not despise my petitions but will speak lovingly to Jesus for me for the needs of this body and soul of mine. Amen.

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